Welcome to Year 5
If you have any questions, or would like to discuss your child’s progress, please e-mail Miss Lewin clewin@nunthorpeprimary.org.uk or contact the school office to book an appointment.
On this page we have details of our topics and lots of Class News and photographs too.
Year 5 Gallery
Autumn 1 – The Vikings are Coming!
Our first topic is The Vikings – an exciting exploration of life over 1000 years ago! We will enjoy visiting Jorvik in York, making Viking Longboats and experiencing life as a Viking during our planned Viking Day. Our writing, of poems, biographies and stories, will be inspired by our topic work and our class novel The Saga of Erik the Viking by Terry Jones.
Autumn 2 – Earth in Space
Our second topic will allow us to develop our scientific understanding as we look at the movement of the Earth and the Moon. This wonderful topic will inspire our work across the curriculum. In our writing, we will demonstrate our knowledge by explaining night and day and how the seasons work, write reports on planets in our solar system and create planet fact files using our computing skills. In Design and technology, to support our understanding, we will design and make a model orrery which simulates planetary motion.
This half term our class Novel is Holes By Louis Sachar – a wonderful book which will allow us to think about our friendships.