30 hour Provision (30 hour Free Childcare)
Good News – Nunthorpe Primary Academy offer 30 hour provision within our Nursery setting.

Please note the 30 hour session times do not include the lunchtime period.
Nursery Lunchtime provision is from 11.30am until 12.15pm with an additional charge of £3 per child per day as additional staff are employed to supervise lunch. Your child can have a school meal (cost £2.50 per day or you can choose to provide your child with a packed lunch and a drink (please click here to refer to our packed lunch guidance section).
If you receive qualifying benefits you may be entitled to free meals for your child. More information can be found online at apply for free school meals or you can contact the Educational Benefits Team on 01642 774774 for more information and confidential advice. Email: educationalbenefits@redcar-cleveland.gov.uk
Nursery Times: Nursery opens at 8.45am, children should arrive between 8.45am and 9.00am, and finishes at 3.30pm, children should be collected between 3.20am and 3.30pm.
Please email nursery@nunthorpeprimary.org.uk for further details