School Lunches

School Meals
Cost £2.50 per day.
Meals are provided free of charge to pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. Payments for other children must be made through School Gateway, please ensure your school meal account is kept up to date.
CLICK HERE for our current Nunthorpe Primary Academy Lunch Menu.
Packed Lunches
We are a NUT FREE school.
Please follow the guidance below when preparing your child’s packed lunch.
- Packed lunches should be brought to school in a suitable plastic container/lunch bag with your child’s name clearly marked on it.
- We are a nut free school! Please ensure packed lunches do not contain any nuts.
- Lunches must not contain sweets. We encourage children to eat healthily and bring a balanced packed lunch.
- Please provide your child with a drink. Please do not send in glass bottles or cans of any kind. No fizzy drinks. Water is available at lunch time for all children.
- Please ensure grapes are cut in half length ways.
There is some great guidance on the NHS Choices website Click here
Notice in writing, of ONE FULL WEEK is required for any child transferring to a packed lunch, please contact the School Office for further information.
Natasha’s Law
An update on Natasha’s Law from Mellor’s Catering Services- Our schools chosen catering provider
In October 2021 new labelling legislation comes into force (Natasha’s Law). The legislation states that all food service organisations serving food that is packaged on site for immediate consumption will have to display ingredient and allergen information.
At Mellor’s Catering Services we are working hard behind the scenes ahead of this change to ensure:
- Our catering teams are fully trained on Natasha’s Law and the update in legislation
- We can still confidently provide fresh food that is made and packaged daily on site
- We have tight kitchen practices and controls in place to safely label goods
- We have strong links with our supply chain to allow our team of nutritionist to centrally manage ingredient and allergen substitutes from head office. Relieving pressure from our onsite catering managers and teams
- We have invested in our labelling software to ensure our labels and packaged goods look professional and adhere to legislative requirements
All of the above is great news for our customers, as it means that we will still be producing the incredible, fresh food you are used to in a safe environment with clear ingredient and allergen information. On top of this we also have a full special diet and allergen procedure in place for any customer who has an allergen or intolerance. Speak to your catering manager today who can provide you a copy of our special dietary needs form and create a bespoke menu to meet your individual requirements.
How can I see if I am eligible for Free School Meals?
If you receive qualifying benefits you may be entitled to free meals for your child. You can contact the Educational Benefits Team on 01642 774774 for more information and confidential advice. Email:
You can download a Free School Meal application form here.