Welcome to Year 4
Welcome to the Y4 online classroom. Check back regularly for up-to-date news, pictures and activities.
If you have any questions, or would like to discuss your child’s progress, please e-mail Miss Cornforth on pcornforth@nunthorpeprimary.org.uk, or contact the school office to book an appointment.
Year 4 Gallery
Topics – Autumn Term
The Romans
During the Autumn Term in Year 4 we learn about the Romans. The mythological story of how Rome began is an interesting way to start the topic. We learn about fiery-haired, brave Boudicca and her rebellion against the Romans. As well as the gruesome battle which followed where the Romans were victorious. An educational visit to Segedunum is a great way to learn about what it would have been like to live in Roman times as well as dressing and training as a Roman Soldier with a sword and a spear!
Talk for Writing is used to support the children’s writing. Improving and editing our work is an important feature of Year 4.
In Numeracy, we continue to practise and develop mathematical concepts such as; column addition and subtraction of 3-digit numbers, grid multiplication and calculating time intervals.