Welcome to Year 3
Welcome to the Y3 online classroom. Check back regularly for up-to-date news, pictures and activities.
If you have any questions or queries during your child’s time in year 3, or would like to discuss your child’s progress, please e-mail Miss Broughton on sbroughton@nunthorpeprimary.org.uk or contact the school office to book an appointment.
Year 3 Gallery
Topics – 2016/17
Stone Age and Iron Age
In Year 3 the children begin the year looking at the Stone Age and Iron Age. We travel back in time to look at how early humans lived. There will be lots of art work produced, as well as making our own fossils to use in our very own archeological dig within the classroom.
Ancient Greece
Also in the Autumn Term the class study Ancient Greece and have a visit from a Grecian lady. We will be looking at life in Ancient Greece, the origin of the Olympics and not forgetting Athens vs Sparta.
Healthy Eating
In January the children cover a Healthy Eating topic (Just what we need after Christmas!). We will be learning lots about how to stay healthy but also all about the digestive system. This will all be linked with lots of exciting writing. Year three are hoping to visit Tesco during this topic.
Ancient Egypt
This is always a fun and exciting topic! The children will learn about life in Ancient Egypt as well as what they believed needed to be done for the afterlife, the children will love mummifying each other. With such an interesting topic this always help to produce fantastic writing.
Plants and Rivers
This is another cross-curricular science topic that also covers geography and a lot of literacy. During this topic the children will be learning to read an atlas as well as maps, locate different countries and discuss their physical features.